
You can make a lifelong impact

on our students.

As a nonprofit, we strive to make our services available to everyone. Donations to Banyan Tree Educational Services help us expand services to a wider variety of needs and families in San Diego.

Click on any of the donation options below to learn more.

Scholarship Fund

General Donations

Professional Growth



Scholarship Fund

Change lives by providing students and families access to a transformative educational experience they could not otherwise afford. These funds will be distributed at the discretion of BTES Leadership to current students with financial need (determined by third-party TADS Financial Aid Assessment tool), or targeted to help future students. Our General Scholarship Fund is built on regular contributions of any amount to help offset the cost of tuition.

Examples of how your donations could be used:

  • $240 = 3 sessions with a reading specialist

  • $640 = 1 month of Educational Therapy

  • $1,200 = OT Services for one year

  • $1,500 = Tuition assistance for a student at Compass Academy

General Donations

Our schools and Learning Centers have many needs not covered by tuition and hourly fees. Banyan Tree Educational Services is a nonprofit organization that relies on your generosity to continue offering affordable educational support of the highest quality to all of our students. We thank you for your generosity and support!

Examples of how your donations could be used:

  • $100= transportation for a class field trip

  • $300 = 1 year of materials for supplementary science curriculum

  • $500 = emotional support tools for children on the Autism spectrum, e.g., weighted blankets and vests.

  • $1,200= 1 year of garden maintenance for our outdoor student space at Foundations Academy

professional development

We strive to utilize the best programs and practices to create tangible change in a child’s life. Funds donated to Growth and Progress are specifically used for the latest professional development opportunities and programs, keeping Banyan Tree an effective, growing, and accessible resource for San Diego families.

Here are some examples of how your donation could be used:

• $400 = training in specific learning challenges

• $300-500 = Program Materials

• $500= Board Development training Session

• $2,400 = 1 summer intensive session

Amazon smile

Link to Banyan Tree Educational Services through Amazon Smile and Amazon

will automatically donate to our organization when you make your regular online purchases.

Here’s how it works:

When you shop, head to Amazon Smile and select “Banyan Tree Educational Services.”

You’ll be donating at no extra cost to you!

Click here to learn more!